Apr 18 - Geezer's Blog - International Jugglers Day

Today is International Jugglers Day

April 18, 2018

The Bottom Line: April 18th is International Jugglers Day!

The Full Story:

April 18th is International Jugglers Day (also applies to multi tasking office workers – and is different than June’s World Jugglers Day)! International Jugglers Day celebrates not only the skill of juggling, but also those talented people who can juggle many balls, objects – and tasks – at a time.

Juggling is a skill and form of entertainment that has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Some of the earliest recorded history supplies proof that juggling was around during the early days of civilized man. Well documented in Medieval times in Europe, juggling is primarily entertainment and remains popular today.

While “entertaining jugglers” manage balls, clubs, swords, plates, rings, and flaming sticks, some have suggested that office workers are jugglers as well. How so? They multi- task and keep several "balls" (projects) going at the same time.

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