Minot Police seeing an increase of automobile burglaries/stolen firearms

The Minot Police Department has noticed a troubling increase in automobile burglaries. Also concerning, recent reports have shown a rise in firearms being stolen from these vehicles.

Leaving a firearm in a motor vehicle is very tempting target for would be thieves. The most effective way for vehicle owners to protect themselves from this type of crime is to remove valuables and to lock the vehicle. If valuables absolutely cannot be removed to a more secure location, the next best option is to hide them from view and lock the vehicle.

While forcible entry into a motor vehicle does occur from time to time, statistically auto burglars are far more likely to move on to an unlocked vehicle, particularly if they do not see anything of obvious value. Also keeping photos of high value items and lists of serial numbers to share with law enforcement, are helpful in reporting thefts and can aid in return of stolen property to rightful owners.

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