City of Minot’s Yard Waste Collection Sites Are Open

Release: 4/13/2023

The City of Minot’s 10 yard waste collection sites are open for the season. The City’s yard waste collection sites are for City of Minot garbage collection patrons only and are not for use by non-residents or by commercial haulers. Yard waste includes grass clippings, garden waste, leaves, vines, flowers, flowerbed clippings and apples that have fallen from trees. Tree branches are not allowed in the yard waste collection containers. Small piles of tree branches are picked up separately throughout the week, as time permits. Residents with City sanitation service should put small piles of tree branches near their collection point on their regular collection day, and City crews will add their address to a list of tree piles to be collected.

The City’s yard waste collection sites are located at:

-27th Ave. & 7th St. NW

-15th Ave. & 2nd St. NE

-11th St. & 4th Ave. NW

-13th St. & 5th Ave. SE

-7th St. & 9th Ave. SW

-7th St. & 16th Ave. SE

-16th St. & 16th Ave. SW

-25th St. & 2nd Ave. SW

-4th St. & 34th Ave. SW

-37th St. & 11th Ave. SE

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