The Bottom Line: August 31st is National Trail Mix Day!
The Full Story:
August 31st is National Trail Mix Day! Looking for a high energy, tasty treat for the trail or snacks? You can buy packages of trail mix at a store. Or, you can make up your own, using the ingredients you like best.
When you head out to a campout, a hike or to go biking, take the Trail Mix along with you. It provides the extra energy boost to keep you from getting tired and running out of energy along the trail. Don't limit trail mix to the trail. It is also good at campouts. Here’s a fun way that the Boy Scouts make Trail Mix:
- Ask each hiker or camper to bring a box or bag of their favorite cereal, nuts, pretzels, raisins, dried fruit, M&Ms, etc.
- For younger hikers or new members of the group, it's best to provide them with a list of the types of food that can go into trail mix. That way, the inexperienced hiker won't bring something that can’t be easily carried.
- At the campout or before the hike, bring the group together and mix all the food in a big, big bowl. Put the mix into sealable baggies and pass them out to each hiker.
Tips: When making your own trail mix, avoid messy items that leave your hands sticky. Also avoid too many salty items. For example, unsalted nuts is better than salted ones.
Happy trails!
- FUN FACT: Both Hadley Fruit Orchards and Harmony Foods (two California growers) claim that trail mix was first invented in 1968 by two California surfers who blended peanuts and raisins together for an energy snack. However, trail mix is also mentioned in Jack Kerouac's 1958 novel The Dharma Bums as the two main characters describe their planned meals in their preparation for a hiking trip.