Nov 29 - Geezer's Blog - National Lemon Creme Pie Day

The Bottom Line: November 29th is National Lemon Cream Pie Day!

The Full Story:

November 29th is National Lemon Cream Pie Day! According to culinary historians, people have been enjoying lemon flavored custards and desserts since the Middle Ages. Chefs during this time period also used lemons to "perfume" the water they used for cooking. This was supposed to give their dishes a refreshing flavor.

The classic lemon cream pie we know and love today emerged in the 1920s. Lemon cream pie is made with delicious lemon flavored curd typically served on a butter piecrust. However, there are other variations, which can be served on graham cracker or shortbread. Lemon curd can also be replaced with cream cheese or other light and creamy filling.

So bake your own (CLICK HERE for a yummy recipe) or pick one up at your local bakery and enjoy!

National Lemon Creme Pie Day

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