1915 Tales From Old Timers #5 – A Brave Marshall – During O’Rourke’s term in office there is an interesting story about an individual named Morrison, who held the combined offices of Chief of Police, Sergeant ad Constable. He was of unusual height and Proportions. He was 6 feet 8 inches tall in his bare feet (he never wore stockings) and weighed only 118 pounds. His ludicrous appearance was emphasized by his clothes which were too small for him and his very large boots. One day a free for all fight broke out on Main Street. Morrison attempted to restore order and someone struck him a severe blow. This angered Chief Morrison so much that he left the fight and started a hasty retreat up South Hill. When told there was a fight down town and his presence might be needed he replied… “No, they struck the majesty of the law and I quit!!”