In Case You Were Curious… About Cheese Doodles
March 05, 2018
The Bottom Line: Quick facts about cheese doodles.
The Full Story:
- Cheese doodles are made of cornmeal that has been puffed, baked, and coated with a light layer of cheddar cheese.
- Today, Cheese Doodles are produced by Wise Foods, Inc, which sells over 15 million pounds of cheese doodles each year, or enough to fill 36 Olympic-sized swimming pools. That’s oodles and oodles of doodles!
- Cheese doodles are available in many flavors from crunchy Jalapeno cheddar to Croc-o-Doodles (cheese doodles shaped like crocodiles.)
- Even more flavors have been discontinued, like Star Spangled Doodles and Cheez Doodle Heads. I wonder why.
- The nutritional info for Cheez Doodles contains four types of the ingredient “yellow.” That is somewhat alarming.
- This Norwegian man had been wandering the South Pole for 86 days when he found a hidden cache of cheese doodles. Watch his reaction.