City Of Minot Reminds Residents City Offices Are Closed Friday April 2nd.

City offices closed April 2 in observance of Good Friday holiday

City of Minot offices will be closed Friday, April 2, in observance of the Good Friday holiday, including City Hall, Public Works, and the

Engineering Department. City transit buses will run their regular schedule on Friday. • There will be no residential garbage collection on

Friday; the next pickup day for residents with Tuesday/Friday garbage collection will be Tuesday, April 6. • The City of Minot landfill will be

open from 8 a.m. to noon on Friday, and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 3. • The Minot Public Library will be closed on Friday. •

For water service emergencies, residents are urged to call 701-852-0111. City of Minot offices will operate regular hours and city services

will run as scheduled on Monday, April 5.

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