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Your favorite snack might be more dangerous to consume than you think.
Depending on what form it's in, how it's prepared, or how much you eat in one sitting, some of the world's most beloved treats can cause severe health issues. For example, nutmeg is safe unless you consume too much. Red kidney beans pose a variety of health benefits, but consumed raw, can hurt your insides. Cherries are oh-so-delicious, but their pits convert to cyanide in the body.
According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the world's deadliest foods include red kidney beans, elderberries, bitter almonds, cherry stones, hot dogs, tuna, mango skin, and grapefruit, to name only a few.
Here's what LoveFood had to say about a few additional foods that rank among the deadliest in the world:
Wild Mushrooms:
"It’s reported that 90% of all mushroom poisoning–related deaths can be attributed to death cap mushrooms. These large, flat fungi may look innocent, without the bright colours that we often associate with poisonous mushrooms (especially as the young ones can resemble button mushrooms). However, they contain the poison amanitin, and just half a mushroom could be enough to kill someone. Foraging can be a fun hobby, but it could be deadly if you get it wrong."
Raw Cashews:
"Though native to Brazil, cashews are grown in several parts of the world, including Central and South America, Africa, India and Southeast Asia. Despite often being labelled as raw, the type of cashews you’ll find on supermarket shelves will have been carefully treated and cooked at a high heat. They’re first harvested from their red, pear-shaped drupes, known as cashew apples, then cooked before being shelled and peeled. After this, they’re either packaged and sold as ‘raw’ (without any flavours) or roasted again."
Check out LoveFood for more information about the deadliest foods across the globe.